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Virgie Mazon Chavez was originally one of 10 children to teh Mazon family. She started her restaurant career at the once historic Eagle Cafe (formerly located next to Zimmerman's on Route 66). Virgie put herself through UNM's College of Education and returned to Gallup to teach in the public schools. Poor pay sent her to work in a local law office, but once married Virgie decided to head back into the restaurant industry. She worked at Eagle again and then decided to open up her own restaurant in downtown Gallup. The restaurant was so successful that it kept outgrowing its location and moving to a new one. Sadly, Virgie's first Route 66 neon sighn (Across from the uptown plaza) is no more- it had a sombrero, large neon 'cafe' letters and more. It was just down the street from the Arrowhead lodge. The current location of Virgie's is run by her son, Charlie, yet still has a fantastic Route 66 sign.
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