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In the words of the artist, Be Sargent: This mural honors the Navajo Code Talkers. These United States Marines devised a code using their sacred Navajo language. The code was never broken and helped to win a victory in World War II. Now the Navajo Code Talkers are wise old grandfathers. They do not want their language to be forgotten. This is important, as important as winning World War II. Today many people think of the Earth as a big supermarket full of things to be bought and sold. The Navajo people see Earth as a sacred being to be protected. The Navajo language and many other native languages embody this belief. The first 29 Code Talkers devised the Navajo Code. Part of the code was an alphabet that was used to spell words like names of strategic places.
The mural depicts the code being passed on to the children by the Code Talkers symbolizing the perpetuation of the Navajo language. You will be able to find all of the 26 letters of the alphabet represented by the animals and things that the Code Talkers are passing on to the children.
About the artist: Be Sargent, a muralist, has painted public murals since 1990. Many are in the Boston area. Now a Gallup resident, she is working on a series: Jobs for the Environment at Gallup-McKinley Adult Detention Center. Her website is BeSargent.com. In 2001 she painted the Navajo Code Talker Mural. Community members who helped with the creation of this mural are the late Mary Gorman, Zonnie Gorman, Larry Foster, Octavia Fellin, Colleen Marchand, Navajo Code Talker Albert Smith, and his wife, Helen. The mural was painted in 2005.
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